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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Colossal U Ad Campaign

After looking over the Ads, and visiting the site, these ads are a complete joke. No one in the world could possibly turn out the same because everyone in the world is different and unique. Students in Algoma University cannot turn out exactly the same because everyone has their advantages and their disadvantages in subjects. Students might be doing extremely well in one subject and might do bad in other subjects. They shouldn't have crated this Ad because it isn't true. When i looked over the second Ad, it was another pointless Ad. New Ideas? New Thinking? Not at Algoma University? Why can't there be new ideas or new thinking at Algoma University? Is it just that the teachers don't want any new ideas that could change their ways of teaching students? I can believe that they would want students to wear the same uniform, but education wise, everyone will not turn out exactly the same. Some students would pass their course, or fail their course. I guess that they put up this Ad to interest the parents. They would think that all students would be doing well as everyone, so it's a trap. In my opinion, why would they say this? Are they trying to look good to other schools because it's not working.

When I entered a site, it did impress me. What the school had to offer to us students like Co-op, etc. The teachers do want to help the students succeed in life and want the students to have a better future. There are some programs Algoma University, where you can actually get a well paid job. Algoma University looks like a very organized school where people can actually succeed in their studies.

Well, I have to say that their website is impressive, but their Ads are not. In my opinion, they are distrtibuting the wrong message to us students and parents. Why did they have to say, "Every Colossal student will turn out exactly the same, we guarenteed it?" Thats telling us that everyone will have the same job and career path when students graduate? Are they telling us that they will force each student to study their studies even though they don't like that subject? Do students not have the freedom to study what they want and what they want to be in the near future? Algoma University may be neat, organized, dream school for students, but I wouldn't go to that school. They've distributed the wrong message and thats a nono.


Mary-Lynn said...

This campaign is satirical. They are actually promoting how they encourage uniqueness and individuality.
Look again.
